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Hire an intern

Get global insight on your workplace

How to get access the global pool of young talents?


03 simple steps to hire an international intern in your company


Get registered with Aii's employer's  pool

Apply to become a registered employer  of Aii and get benefits of accessing the global talent pool of candidates across the world. Our team will help you to choose the right candidate for the right job. Once you get registered our local team will get in touch with you to furnish further proceedings.


Easy and fast candidate selection

After your registration, an Aii member will provide customised support enabling you to find the best candidates for your opportunity. Get ready for a global talent on board!


Get ready to welcome new talent on board

Once everything is sorted from Skype interview to visa documents, get ready to welcome the new talent on board with a new insight, vision, strategies and knowledge. An opportunity to make a global network and expansion.

Associate with us

Thank you very much for company registration. Our local team member wil contact you shortly to complete the registration process and to know your specific needs. Thank you!

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